Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 29, 2008


Well, the hustle and bustle of the holidays is pretty much over. Back to the real world I guess!

So we're driving in the car yesterday while doing errands and I notice that Hannah SLURPED down the juice water in her sippy cup in no time flat. I usually get upset at her when she does this because (1) it means we'll have to find a restroom pretty quick and (2) she won't have anything else to drink the next time she asks.

She knows I'm peeved at her and I say, "Oh well! I guess you just won't have anything else to drink until we get home, huh? Why do you do this, Hannah? You know Mommy doesn't like when you drink your sippy cup all at once?"

Hannah's quiet for about a minute and then says,

"Hey Mommy. I have an idea!"

me: "Oh yeah? I can't WAIT to here it."

Hannah: "How about you put me in time out and then give me more juice?"

me: Laughing my butt off

Would you say that cracking up at the things your kids say to you only encourages smart ass remarks?

1 comment:

Katy said...

Love the pic of you & your mini me!