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Friday, June 26, 2009

It was a "Gray" week

My cousin Sunshyne and her two kids Makenzie (3) and Ethan (9 months) paid us a visit this week! She and I try to take turns driving to each other's house every few months...which is not a bad drive since they only live about 5 hours away in CA! Since we've been doing these visits for about 3 years, I thought I would post the progressive pictures of our document their budding love and friendship. Yeah's more like a love/hate relationship. But it's probably just a 3 year old girly phase they're going thru!

Picture HEAVY!

This post is VERY picture I'm a little behind lately! I was too busy visiting with my cousin to worry about blogging! Enjoy the pics!

My little girl...getting too big
Hannah playing with baby Ethan

He is such a smiley baby!

Makenzie had fun diggin' in the sand at the beach at Saguaro Lake

2 mommies

Makenzie and Hannah riding in the tube behind the boat!

Running (literally running) home from the park

Makenzie's treasures that she found at the park

Getting so grown up

Makenzie was seriously deep in thought!

Hannah's NEVER deep in thought! LOL

Muscle Woman

The girls had fun playing at the park!

There's the beautiful smile again!

Big sis and little bro

He's so stinkin' CUTE

See what I mean? :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Jim's Father's Day wish was to just chill at the lake with his that's what we did! He went on a little swim with his offspring to where the dare devils dive off the cliffs. Hannah and Mason loved that part!

Luckily, our little dare devil, Hannah, wasn't interested in diving off herself!

Daddy...he's a good one.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Sometimes I just feel compelled to blog about our weather here in AZ. Maybe it's because I take notice of the little things in life...and I usually find great appreciation in them. Or maybe it's just because I'm getting older and that's just what you do when you get about the weather. At any rate, for all you Phoenicians out there who might be reading this...have we not had the most beautiful June you've ever experienced? The temperatures have been perfectly warm and breezy...and I, personally, am loving it. It's been FANTASTIC lake weather.

I've been awful at remembering to bring my camera to the lake lately...which means I have no NEW pictures from our fun weekend. So I've dug into some archives to share some random pictures this morning.

This is my friend, Bill's, beautiful daughter Melanie. My kids were having a blast blowing bubbles with her at their house a few weeks ago.

And our other friend's Kelli and Jason also brought their cutie pie Kaelyn over to play as well!

I fell in love with her freckles! I wonder if she likes them?

I've known Melanie for 7 years...I met her when she was maybe 3? She's such a little woman now!

Now THIS is a rare husband in uniform. Doesn't he clean up nicely?

And just one to make you smile :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The D Family

I had the pleasure of taking family pictures for my friends Jon and Mel yesterday...and their baby "M" is to die for! Those LIPS! We had a lot of laughs that day! Here are some of my favorites:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

JMK (just my kids)

My kids get sooooo sick of me taking their picture...imagine that. So I try not to stick the camera in their face too often. This is in hopes that when I DO try to take their picture, they won't just run away from me!

I managed to get a few shots of them's been a while! They're getting so big! Hannah weighs 33 pounds and Mason is following closely behind at 31 pounds. It won't be long before he passes her up! She better learn to run fast...because Mason has a lot of paybacks to dish out!