Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Birthday Fun!

Here's just a few more pictures from Mason's bday party. My brother-in-law's camera takes amazing I thought I would share!

Monday, April 28, 2008

The big OH-ONE!

I can't believe we already celebrated Mason's 1st Birthday this weekend! He had a great time! The weather was warm so it sorta turned into a pool party too! The kids had a bounce house, a kiddie pool, and a huge new raft for the big pool to play on! Mason received a lot of nice gifts...but the biggest surprise was a visit from his Papa from St. Louis!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey, Mom! LOOK!

So today Hannah is sitting on the toilet doing her business (and trying to avoid nap time). I'm standing in the doorway explaining...

ME: "Hannah, when you're finished you..."
HANNAH: "Hey Mom"
ME: "Hannah, I said when you're finished you need to wash your..."
HANNAH: "Hey Mom!"
ME: "You need to wash your hands and then get..."

That was the end of THAT conversation. I had to walk away before I started cracking up...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mason...month by month

Mason's 1st birthday is less than one week from now! So I put together a little slideshow of Mason growing up from month to month since he was born...

God Bless Everyone

I told Hannah that Makenzie says her prayers every night before going to bed. Hannah responded, "Hannah do it too!" Now she asks God to bless Yazi and Mason over and over and over!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let's go swimmin'!

The water in the pool is still too cold (I'm sure the kids would disagree)...but the weather outside is heating up already! Today it was 96 degrees! YIKES! So to get us by until the water in the pool warms up, I invested in a $20 blow-up pool for the kids. Hannah had a blast in it this week (unfortunately, Mason was napping both times we were outside playing....poor guy!).

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Trip to Prescott

This past weekend we traveled to Prescott, AZ. We sold a house full of shutters instead of Jim making the 2 hour trip by himself, we decided to make it a family affair! The customer was nice enough to put us up in a nice hotel which had an indoor pool and jacuzzi. The kids had fun playing in the room and splashing in the jacuzzi! Well, I guess I should say they had fun TEARING up the you'll see in the bathroom pictures!

Friday, April 11, 2008

You want summa this?

Hannah has come up with some very funny sayings in her 2 years of life. A lot of you might remember her infamous "Wassssuuuuup!" when she was just a year old. Then, when she turned two, she ended every question with "from". For example, instead of saying "Why are we going home?", she would say, "Why we going home from?". I have no idea where she gets this from!

Her newest and funniest saying lately is, "You want summa this?" She thinks it's so funny to "put up her dukes" like she's gonna fight you too! This girl always keeps us laughing!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Babblin' Away!

Mason has been babbling "Mama" and "Dada" for a while now...although I doubt he associates those sounds with me and Jim. :) But the other day while riding in the car, Hannah accidentally unplugged the DVD player which was playing Elmo in the back seat. At the same time, Hannah and Mason both started saying, "Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh!" It was so stinkin' cute to hear him immitating his big sister. So, I guess you could say that his official first word is "Uh Oh!" ????

Sunny Days

It's gettin' warmer and warmer! Hannah's been asking about going swimming every day for the last month! She's actually gotten in a few times already! Not Mama...the water temp needs to be at least in the mid 80's for me to even get my feet wet!

Yesterday, Jim let the kids play around in the water a bit while Mommy was out for a pedicure. They were having a blast when I got home!