Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Food Fight!

Tonight I kept Jackson at our house for a few hours so Michael and Stacy could go to the movies. The kids always have fun playing...but tonight at dinner, Mason and Jackson were HILARIOUS together! Yazi was loving the food throwing fest she got to eat everything that hit the floor!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Short and Sweet

I took the kids over to the San Tan Mall today so they could play in the water at the splash pad.

Hannah was confused and thought that the water spraying up from the ground was a bidet.

Mason just picked his nose.

Everyone had fun!

The End.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beating the Heat

It's been crazy hot around here and we're getting pretty tired of it! So we decided to take off and go camping again this past weekend. Scott & Mo along with their twins, Chaz & Elle joined us...and our friends Randy and Rachelle stayed with us in our camper! It was a great weekend with great weather (low 80's!), great friends, and great times!

We can't wait to go again in a couple weeks!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

From the top rope!

Here's a video of our crazy son again. I pray that he doesn't aspire to be in the WWE....but after watching him do these acrobatics, I'm not so sure!

At the end of the video clip, you can hear him saying "book". He is SO interested in reading now...especially his Thomas the Train book! He points at the pictures and tries to say "choo choo"....but it comes out sounding more like "doo doo"!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just another day in the life....

Yep...just another uneventful day in the Moser house!

My son has been obsessed with "hair products" lately. Today it was his container of yogurt. Who knows what tomorrow will bring???

Oh...and Hannah stuffed a raisin up her nose. No worries though...Mom's trusty Revlon tweezers saved the day! I bet you just thought I used those things for shaping my eyebrows huh?

Sorry, no pictures of my little raisinette...but here are some pictures of Mason's adventures in yogurt!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Skool is Kool!

Today was Hannah's very first day of Preschool! I can't even begin to tell you how excited she was! Driving the long trip to her school this morning (right across the street), Hannah was singing, "I'm going to schoooool! I'm going to schoooool!"

I worried for a half second that she might cry when she realized that Jim and I were leaving her there alone...but OH NO! We got her settled in and said, "Okay Hannah, see ya later! Have fun!"

She responded, "Bye Dad! I love you! Bye Mommy! Love you! See ya later!"

Guess she wasn't too heartbroken to see us leave. sniffle sniffle. Our little baby girl is growing up so fast. :(

When I picked her up 3 hours later, she was ecstatic to see me (whew!) but she definitely wasn't ready to leave school yet. It took a little coaxing but we finally got her out of the building!

Hannah's teacher, Mrs. Maresh, said, "Boy, she's a pistol!"

Yeah, tell me about it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I love my baby brother!

Hannah tells everyone now how she "loves her baby brother"! She certainly has her way with him (A LOT)...but these two monkeys are becoming good buddies. Here's some recent pictures of the fun they have!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A New Hair Care Product

Our goofy son thought it was so funny tonight at the dinner table as he kept dipping his hand in the chocolate milk and rubbing it in his hair. Some might call him odd....I think he's just ahead of his time! Ya never know...some day you just might see a chocolate milk hair product on the shelves!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Swimming Fun!

Well, just as I are the videos of Hannah swimming in the pool with Daddy. We are so proud of her! Every day we are just amazed by her abilities in the water since she's only TWO years old! What a go-getter!