Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 31, 2008

Live Free and Ride!

Not sure if everyone knows this, but Jim is the proud new owner of a Harley Davidson Fat Boy (as of a few weeks ago). He's so a kid at Christmas! I wasn't very fond of the idea of Jim buying a bike...but he was relentless! I could see how truly excited he was about the I finally caved. I've never been a big fan of this pastime, but I figured I would humor him a couple times by jumping on the back and going for a ride. Well, I'M HOOKED! I love riding as much as he does now! It's so nice to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather and fresh air! With the warm temperatures, everything's in bloom. I love driving around and smelling all the orange blossoms everywhere!

Today, we took a ride with a few friends to some towns in the Southeast part of Arizona called Superior and Hayden. It was a great ride with lots of beautiful scenery. We stopped for some lunch at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican joint...and then headed back to the valley in the afternoon. Arizona is an awesome place to live in March!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Girly Girlz

Hannah is becoming such a little princess! Sometimes when it gets eerily quiet in the house, I go hunting for Hannah...usually to find her in "Mommy's drawer"...smearing mascara on her face, eating my yummy lip gloss, or (as you'll see in the video) doing her hair! Hannah's best friend in the whole world is Tessa. Tessa's birthday party is tomorrow and Hannah's been preparing for it all's ALL she can talk about. Tonight she grabbed the dry cleaning bag and stuffed in it ALL of her swim suits, her swim diaper, and her floaties! She said, "Go Tessa's house. Party. Go swimming." What a crack up!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Faux Hawk!

Today was Mason's very first haircut! It started with smiles...and ended with smiles....but while he was actually having his hair cut it was a different story! He screamed and screamed and screamed! LOL Who knew a place called "LolliLocks" could be so traumatizing! After all was said and done, my little guy looked even MORE handsome than before. I didn't think that was even possible....but WHEW! Look out ladies!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I wanna wash your butt!

Hannah has become quite the "mother hen" to her little brother lately. She's constantly trying to feed him...just wait til he chomps down on one of her fingers! She's also obsessed with washing his butt in the bathtub! I have to explain over and over why Mason probably doesn't like the feeling of a bar of soap up his butt crack. Oh well....she has good intentions I suppose!
While we were playing in the back yard today, Hannah got stung by a bee for the first time. OUCH! I felt so bad for her! The bee was apparently in her when she tried to put it on her foot...BZZZZZ! She went berserk for about 30 seconds....until she suddenly calmed down and said, "I need a bandaaaaaiiiiidddd Mommy!" Band-Aids always made boo boo's feel better when you were a kid too, huh?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy belated Easter to everyone! I've posted some pictures of the kids on their Easter egg hunt...they had a blast looking for all the eggs with cousin Jackson! Nana, Uncle Michael, Aunt Stacy, and Jackson joined us at the park for all the fun...and afterwards, we had a little picnic with mimosas! Yummmm! It was a great day...great weather...great company!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ewwwwww, stinky!

Today was another milestone for Hannah. She used her first "naughty word" in a sentance! We're soooooo proud of her! j/k We were at a 2 year old's birthday party (of all places). I was holding Hannah when suddenly she says, "Mommy, I ripped ass." I was so stunned that I thought for sure I had heard her I said "What did you say?" And sure enough, she again said, "I ripped ass." I said, "Noooo, Hannah. You say 'I farted. Excuse me', instead." It took everything I could not to laugh....but I channeled that energy and lectured Jim on watching his language instead! Kids.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Splish Splash....

Well, so much for me putting Hannah and Mason in the bath together...plopping on the floor next to the tub with a juicy gossip mag, and enjoying myself for 15 minutes while the kids play. Oh no....Mason has put an end to this "Mommy time" too! He is so fascinated by the faucet in the bath tub! He turns it on, off, on, off....until he's put so much cold water in the tub that his and Hannah's lips are turning blue. He doesn't quite understand that scalding water comes out when you flip the lever all the way to the left though...hence why I must constantly have my hands near him to prevent this from happening. What happened to my sweet little man who was content to just lay around? Look out comes Mason!

Call the Doctor!!!

Lately, Hannah has been obsessed with her "owwwies". On any given day, you might hear about at least a hundred owwwies that she's gotten during the day....some real, some just figments of her imagination. This morning on the way to the gym, she was talking to me about a little paper cut on her finger and how it "burns". ???? :) I said, (in my ever so concerned voice) "Are you OKAY???" And she replied, " the doctor". LOL This girl....

Cookies for Santa!

I couldn't help but post this little clip of Hannah on Christmas day at her Uncle Donnie and Aunt Brenda's house in Wisconsin. It doesn't get any cuter than this!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cruise To Cabo

Jim and I recently went on our first cruise together! We were with a group of approx 20 of our friends...and besides a little sea sickness, we all had a blast! The ship left San Diego, cruised to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and back to San Diego a few days later! As you can see from the picture, Jim forgot his sunblock. I guess he thought the "spray tans" that we got before we left for the cruise would shield him from those brutal UV rays out on the water! LOL

Are you talkin' to ME?

This pic of Hannah says it all about our spunky little girl! Always naked, always goofin' around, and always sportin' an attitude! She amazes us every day with all the funny things she says! This past weekend, we were all hanging out in the garage after getting home from the Dunes in California. Hannah said, "Mommy, I'll wash your quad for you!" I said, "REALLY? That's sooooo nice of you, Hannah! How much should I pay you?" I never thought for a second that she really understood what I was saying....until she responded, "Ummmmmm, FIVE BUCKS!" Jim and I couldn't stop laughing. Where does she come up with this stuff?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Keep on smilin'!

This recent picture of Mason is now the desktop picture on my computer. It is IMPOSSIBLE not to smile when you see this happy little boy grinning from ear to ear! Although I think his molars have been making him a little cranky lately, Mason is still one of the happiest babies I've ever known!