Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 23, 2008

Belly Laughs

This tickling session carried on for a while...but you get the idea. It's hard not to smile when you hear Mason's laughs!


Poor Mason...that's all I can say about this video clip...

A Campin' We Will Go!

This weekend we took our first of many camping trips this summer. My mom and Reggie went as was really nice to spend time with them! We headed up to the Mogollon Rim on Friday afternoon. Mom and Reggie had already arrive and picked the best spot! That night, we roasted the most ginormous marshmallows you've ever seen! Hannah loved that!

Mason didn't sleep so well the first needless to say, Jim and I were pretty exhausted on Saturday! Perfect time to be lazy in the cooler temperatures. I think the temps in the valley were close to 115 while we were gone...and while it was definitely cooler up in the mountains, it still reached an unusual high of around 89 where we were camping!

The kids had a blast this weekend and we can't wait for our next camping trip over the 4th of July weekend!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

She's a Cover Girl

I guess this post doesn't need much narrative to figure out what Hannah got into today. Mommy's mascara!

Gosh, between Mason pooping on the floor & putting it in my drawer and Hannah smearing mascara all over her face, one might think that I never supervise my children! LOL But to those who have 2 or more young kids running around at full speed, I guess I don't need to explain myself!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Who crapped in my drawer?

Ahhhh...another glamorous day in the life of being a mother. So I'm fixing my hair in the bathroom while Hannah takes a bath. Mason (who happens to be naked), is cruising around and getting into stuff as usual. All of a sudden, I get a whiff of something quite unpleasant. My first thought was, "Oh no. Mason doesn't have a diaper on. I bet he pooped in our bedroom." So I did a quick check of the carpet...but found nothing. I chalked it up as Jim's stench coming from the toilet. (I apologize for the graphic nature of this posting).

I return to doing my hair...and once I'm finished, I start to gather up my "tools" and put them back in the drawer. But right as I'm about to put my hairspray in the drawer, I see a TURD! That's right, a big fat TURD in my toiletries drawer! I about died! Mason obviously took a crap when I wasn't looking, picked it up, and decided that my makeup drawer was the best place for it.

Thanks Mason. You made my day.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's a sun shiny day

I took the kids for a wagon ride to the park the other day. It's getting HOT we couldn't stay long. But Mason and Hannah had so much fun! They love their new sunglasses too!

Mason is growing up too fast lately! He runs so fast that when I hear the sound of pitter pattering feet going across the floor, I have to LOOK to see if it's Hannah or Mason! They sound the same when they run!

He's so cute when it's time to leave the house too! I tell him, "C'mon Mason...time to go bye bye". I feel like a little family of ducks as we all walk towards the garage...Jim, then me, then Hannah, and here comes Mason too! LOL That kid takes off running to the door right away...and when you open the door for him, he immediately walks into the garage, sees the trucks and quads and motorcycle and goes, "Vroom Vroom!" He is ALL boy! Daddy will have a blast with him in a couple more years!