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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

He sees you when you're sleeping!

Hannah's really into the idea of Santa this year...which is really exciting for me cuz I'm totally using him as a pawn in making Hannah behave. I keep singing, "He's sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake...." So last night, we promised Hannah that we would take her to see Santa at the mall. I get both her and Mason all dolled up for the pictures (which they barely cooperated for at home!)...and the little knuckleheads wouldn't sit on Santa's lap by themselves!!! Which is why you'll see ME wearing jeans and a nasty hairdo and Jim is still in his work clothes! Needless to say, he and I were NOT expecting to be in the picture...but when we had already paid the $20 to Santa's elves, we HAD to get a picture! Ahhhhhhhhh, the joyful holidays!


Anonymous said...

How stinkin'cute do they look! I love Mason's little jacket:)

Katy said...

Oh, you & Jim look great too! I love the kids' outfits by the way.