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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

So, the other day I posted something about how Mason was sleeping horribly and getting out of his crib, right? So Jim lowered the crib to it's lowest height...and Mason's STILL climbing out. It looks like our 22 month old son will be in a toddler bed this week. :( I can't believe in the last year I went from having TWO cribs in my house to ZERO.

*wiping my tears away* Well, this afternoon, Mason desperately needed a nap. I put him in his crib and he proceeded to melt down for a few minutes but then it grew silent in his room. I thought FOR SURE he had fallen asleep. But when I walked down the hall, I could see from under the door that his bedroom light was on! That little %$&*!!!! But when I listened at the door, I heard nothing. So I ever-so-gently opened the door, and this is what I found......

1 comment:

Katy said...

That is seriously one of the sweetest pics I've ever seen!