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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Schooooool's out for summer!

I can't believe my baby girl finished an entire year of preschool today! Sadly, her teacher, Mrs. Maresh will not be returning next year because of budget cuts...and we will definitely miss her. Hannah has learned so much since last August and we owe most of that to Mrs. Maresh's patience and warm nature with Hannah.

I don't think Hannah understands that she won't be going to school for the next 3 months...but boy will I miss those Tues and Thurs morning hours with Mason while Hannah had a blast at school.

Here's Hannah back in August on her first day of preschool

And here was Hannah this morning on the last day of school
It's so hard to believe how fast she's growing up! Here are some pictures of Hannah using my computer. And she's REALLY using it! She loves to play the Wow Wow Wubbzy games at What a big girl!

Look at the concentration on that grown-up face!

Ok...maybe she's not THAT grown-up! This is a picture of Hannah throwing a tizzy because she couldn't put Wubbzy's hat on right. :)


Sunshyne said...

They grow up so fast!...Mak has 4 more weeks of preschool!!!Yea!!!

Katy said...

Hannah is beautiful even when she pouts! Yea for summer vacation!

The Former PK said...

Wow, she really is growing fast!! She is just so darn beautiful too!