Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Batter up!

My poor Hannah Banana! She's been sick for FOUR days now...and no light at the end of the tunnel! :( It started with a fever on Monday morning...and then she told me she had a sore throat. The next day, her dr couldn't get her in for an appt until 4pm so I decided to take her to urgent care instead. They swabbed her throat and the culture came back negative for strep...but they were gonna send it off for further testing. In the meantime, they put her on an antibiotic. Her mood has been up and down...but for the most part, I have never seen a more hopeless, pathetic, dramatic little girl who's sick. (i.e. "Mama, I'm soooooo sick. Mason, turn the light off cuz I'm sick. I don't want any grapes cuz I'm sooooo sick!") She milks out an illness more than her own father when he has a runny nose!

Yesterday, she was feeling okay enough to go outside for a bit. She and Mason were taking turns playing T-ball with an orange in the back yard. I don't see any MLB in either of their futures!

In the meantime, Mason and I have MAJOR cabin fever. We hope Hannah starts feeling better soon, not only because we feel so bad for her...but also for our OWN sanity! She saw her own dr today and they switched her to a different antibiotic. If she doesn't start to get better by tomorrow morning, they're going to test her for mono. YIKES!

1 comment:

Katy said...

The pajamas with the shoes crack me up! Poor girl, I hope she feels better very soon!