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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where's my Wewing Ring?

It seems like I haven't been snapping very many pictures of the kids lately...but I did today. Sometimes I think, "They're just so dang cute I wanna squeeze them til their heads pop off!" Mmmmmmm....I LOVE 'EM!

Mason's been "singing" up a storm lately. It's usually the same tune over and over. It goes a little something like this.... "mmmmmm buh. mmmmmm buh. mmmmmm buh" I sense a record deal in the near future!

Hannah fit her "crack mommy up moment" in for the day. We're driving to the gym and I'm chatting with Jim on the phone...not thinking that she's paying a bit of attention to what I'm saying (Monster's Inc. was on, afterall). I was explaining to Jim how since I stopped taking the Prednisone the other day that I can feel my knees tightening up again and that I had to take my wedding ring off this morning because my fingers were swelling. Hannah pipes in, "Mommy you took your wewing wing off?"
I said, "Yeah Honey I did."
She said, "Where did you put it?"
"In my jewelery box", I said.
"Noooooo! You're gonna lose it Mommy!"

So funny how she knows how important my "wewing ring" is! (And even scarier that she was eavesdropping on my conversation again!)

1 comment:

Katy said...

Oh, such great pics of your blondies! I especially love the last one of Hannah posing. Boy does she take after her Momma!