This week, Jim's sister...Auntie Brenda is visiting from Wisconsin! The kids have been so excited for her arrival...and now that she's here they don't want to let her out of their sight!
Even though it's been a year and a half since Hannah has seen Auntie Brenda last, she had no hestitation about hopping right on her lap when she arrived!

It was sooooo hot that day too...not at all like the more mild Wisconsin summer weather Brenda is accustomed to! So we did a little bit of swimming at Auntie Jenny's house to beat the heat. I, my nephew Austin, and Mason were having a contest to see who could make the biggest slapping noise with our noodles!
Austin was shooting his webs at us....he loves Spider Man!
On Saturday evening, Jim and I took Brenda and Jenny to a Diamondbacks game...we had awesome tickets thanks to our friend Jason! It was a great time...and we even came home with a gift for the kids. It was "bobblehead night" at the ball park!
Mason, who probably didn't remember Auntie Brenda at all (he wasn't even walking the last time they saw each other)...has really taking a liking to her! He loves reading books while sitting on her lap!
One of the things that the kids were MOST excited about Auntie Brenda's visit was taking her along guessed it: Peter Piper Pizza! We went there this morning with Grandma Carol too. The kids were having fun and winning a bunch of tickets when all of a sudden, Hannah hit the JACKPOT on one of the games! She won 716 tickets at one time! She was dancing around screaming, "I won the JACKPOT!". So this time, instead of winning piddly little stuff like plastic dinosaurs and tootsie rolls, she got to pick out BIGGER hair bows, a microphone (just what she needs), a paddle ball, and stickers. Mason even got a giant watergun for himself! How exciting!!! :P