Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 30, 2009

2 Year Check Up

Two posts about Mason in one day? Geez....what does he think? That it's his birthday or something? :)

Hannah and Mason started swim lessons yesterday at the gym we go to and they LOVED it! I was worried that Mason wouldn't even wanna get in the water because he seemed a little unsure at first. But once he got in, he was a HAM! He did everything the instructor told him to and loved every second! Hannah's class was next and it's like she never skipped a beat since swimming in our pool last summer. She got a little cocky at one point though...she let go of the wall when the instructor wasn't looking and had a heck of a time keeping just her nose above water. Since I was holding Mason way across the other side of the pool, another mom ran to assist! Hannah told her daddy later that, "I almost DROWNED!"

Here's Mason getting ready for his lesson...I didn't get a picture of Hannah since I was busy dealing with Mason in the hot tub when it was her turn!

Mason also had his 2 year checkup today...conveniently timed on his 2nd birthday! Our fast growing boy is 31 lbs, 35" tall, and is in the 95% percentile for his head size. For those who know his daddy, that last measurement should come as no surprise. Dr. Lorenzen said he's a very healthy perfect boy...and she is "blown away by his vocabulary"! I guess I'm used to well-spoken toddlers with Hannah as my first experience. But Mason wasn't shy to use sentences with the dr and she was quite impressed!

Here's Mason...sleeping peacefully in his car seat BEFORE the appt.

And here's Mason AFTER 3 vaccines and a finger prick to test iron in his blood. He did better with the 3 shots than he did with the little finger prick! Oh, and he HATES bandaids!

After having a COMPLETE 2-year-old meltdown in the car on the way home, I guess he was a little sleepy.

Happy 2nd Birthday Mason!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little "baby" Mason! Time has flown even more quickly with him than it did with Hannah! It's hard to believe that he's old enough to potty train, drink out of a cup, and talk in sentences! What happened to my little baby?

Newborn Mason
1st Birthday

2 Years Old!

Mason H.A.T.E.S when I sing to him (or ever, really). So I thought it would be funny to sing him Happy Birthday this morning :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Party of Five

I did my first family-of-five shoot this past weekend and we had so much fun! Corey, the dad, is a crack up and kept me laughing the entire time. It was really good practice with Sophia and her clan and I am thankful for the opportunity to have gained more experience...but I think the demand is high enough now that I'm ready to get this business off the ground! We'll see how it goes!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

At Last

After many months of waiting....well, actually FOUR YEARS of waiting if you wanna get technical....we launched our new boat yesterday! It was a beautiful Friday afternoon with a light breeze blowing....ahhhhhh. The kids had a blast and I think they're gonna enjoy spending weekends cruising around Saguaro Lake this summer. Hannah LOVED going fast...Mason, not so much! :)

I think I almost got choked up watching Jim put the boat in the water for the first time. He put so much blood, sweat, and tears into this whole deal!

Mason loved looking at the ducks in the water!

Hannah kept wanting to go "faster Daddy!"...even in the no-wake zones!

I had to include this picture of Jim telling Hannah one of his famous and highly requested "monster stories". Apparently (by the looks of this picture), the monster in this story had horns???

Ahhhhhhh, it's so good to be back out on the water.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's getting Hot Hot Hot!

April...and it was 102 degrees yesterday...

But the kids are loving it!.....

Is this really happening?

Is today FINALLY here? I can't even believe it! Jim left about an hour ago to pick up our boat in San Francisco! YIPPEEE! This has been a long long process and we're very excited for it to be over.

We spent the morning outside with Jim while he put the final touches on our empty-but-soon-to-not-be boat trailer. Mason loves anything to do with he was having a blast helping Daddy.
I think this picture would make a great ad for Dewalt tools...don't you? :)

And just a pic of a little visitor on our beautiful cactus blooms in the front yard!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

True Love

I don't think I need to tell a story about the next two photos in order to evoke the raw emotion and passion that was felt on this day:

Kids say the darndest things!

Just a couple "Hannah-isms" and "Mason-isms" to tell:

Jim has been gone A LOT lately. Between dealing with all the boat stuff and working SUPER EXTRA amounts of overtime at the p.d. to pay for everything, we've definitely been lacking a daddy presence around here. (oh and p.s. he leaves tomorrow for 2 days again to pick up our boat! Boo-hiss and YEAH at the same time!) So yesterday, the kids and I are at the carwash waiting for our truck to be finished. Hannah and Mason are throwing pennies into the water fountain which is outside in the customer waiting area. I told Hannah, "Make a wish when you toss your penny!" So she does, and runs up to me to tell me what she wished for. I quickly said, "Nooooooooo....don't tell me! If you tell me what you wished for, it won't come true!" So she pondered this for a moment and then ran off to toss another penny. She immediately ran back and said, "Mommy! I just made another wish. I wished that Daddy would come home!"

Oh. My. Gosh. If only she were that sweet HALF of the time! LOL

Then tonight in the car, Hannah tells me: "Mom! Last night, Mason and I were laying in bed watching cartoons and I told him, 'Mason, I love you a WHOLE lot." I said, "Awwwwwwwww, Hannah! That's sooooo sweet! I love when you have a big heart like that!"

And then Mason chimes in, "YEAH! Me TOO!"


Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter part 2

I'm a little behind on my Easter pics! It's been a busy week...with tying up loose ends on our boat purchase and getting a beginner "website" for my photography gig set up WHEW! Check out the sidebar of my blog that says Michelle Moser Photography. are the pictures from the rest of our Easter celebration. The kids loved the egg hunt at the park and couldn't wait to dig into all their candy once we got back to the house.

Even Mommy got a surprise from the Easter bunny this year..... YUM!

Nana with her grandbabies

Hannah's first Krispy Kreme Doughnut....oh my!

Our neighbors brought their pet bunnies to the park for the kids

Hannah found tons of proud of her! Now I just
need to teach her to sit like a lady! :P

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter...part 1

Happy Easter to everyone! It's a GORGEOUS day in Arizona this morning and the kids were so excited to see that the Easter Bunny paid a visit to our house! Hannah was FAST at collecting all the eggs hidden around the house. Mason found one...and when he realized there was candy inside the egg, he couldn't be bothered to find any more! :)

The Fam is coming over in a little while for Easter lunch...and then we're heading to our neighborhood park for a community egg hunt later. More pics to come!

DON'T take my CANDY!

"Speedy" the egg finder

This was their favorite Easter basket treasure...a candy-filled spinny thing that plays the Easter March when you pull the trigger.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Outdoor Fun

Just some recent pics of the kiddos! The weather has been gorgeous lately and Hannah & Mason have been taking full advantage! It's hard to get them to come inside! We know the scorching temps are just around the corner...but be not afraid! Because this year, we'll be scorching our butts on a 30' Cruisers Yacht!!!! :) Jim should be picking it up next Wednesday (crossing our fingers).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cotton Mo

What a fun Sunday afternoon! Our friends, Scott & Mo (Hannah calls them "Cotton Mo"), recently moved into their new house that they built. It is soooo amazing. I feel like I stepped into an episode of MTV Cribs when I'm there! It was just about 80 degrees today which is a little chilly to go swimming...except at Scott and Mo's! Because of course their gorgeous pool is heated! So we spent a very relaxing afternoon sipping on Coronas...poolside. Ahhhhh.

We finished out the evening with some BBQ dinner and a "jam" session in Scott & Mo's music room. The kids all had so much fun playing together and we hope to do a repeat again soon!

Elle & Hannah playing in the jacuzzi

Mo & Elle on the drums...everyone rockin' out!

The picture of Jim & the kids actually going DOWN this slide into the water is on Mo's camera!

Mason...trying to decide if he's brave enough to go it alone

This is the view from their living room...nice "patio door" huh?

Friday, April 3, 2009

You can dress a girl up but......

Hannah dove into her treasure chest of dress-up clothes this evening. She was loving all her different looks! She especially loves all the attention she gets from Daddy when she prances out into the living room where he's sitting!



Attempting the splits

The "bored" MOVIE STAR